Private dog trainer teaching a Rottweiler the sit command with a toy Edmonton, AB.


780's private dog training in Edmonton is specialized by reputable experience, professional certification, & personal results with $25 consults & money-back guarantees.

780 delivers 15+ years of hands-on experience aiding Alberta's largest rescues with their temperament tests, policies, & procedures, reducing euthanasia rates.

780 holds national certification from Canada West Canine Centre; granting knowledge & skills necessary for basic to advanced commands and utility for any high-drive K-9.

780's distinguished for guiding results with clients in developing a cohesive relationship while leading their unique pet.

Whether you're teaching a rescue Pit Bull for the first time, progressing from the basics, or seeking advanced help with reactivity issues, your goal is to lead, not be mislead.

Here's 8 unique benefits of hiring 780's instructors that will teach your family how to lead your dog to the next level:

1. Easy Schedule.

780's private dog trainers offer flexible appointments, weekends, evenings, & all holidays, to fit your family's timetable, book a ½ hr $25 consult by email today.

Appointments are not pre-set like typical group instruction meeting 2+ times per week because it's imperative to have enough time for homework; to effectively progress with your k9; before returning.

Since most mutts aren't used to being led by their owners consistently; they saturate early during instruction; that's why sessions will continue at ½ hr with a goal for longer durations asap.

The article, How to Train Your Dog Effectively, states, "If you run your sessions too long, dogs get distracted and bored, and there's a good chance they'll start making mistakes."

Avoid initial consults over ½ hr with in-home canine trainers since pets cannot learn past saturation; especially when you're attempting to teach something new.

Instead, book a ½ hr $25 consult with our 100% money-back guarantee when convenient for your family's agenda.

100% Money Back Guarantee.
Evening behavior classes with a family & their Pit bull.

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• Sunday - Friday • Pre-fixed dates only
• Available evenings • No evenings
• ½ hr consults • Consults over ½ hr
• Open all holidays • Closed weekends & holidays
• Homework between meet ups • Claims of quick fixes
• Reschedule when needed • No rescheduling
• At 780 with owner present • In-home without you present

2. Specialized Lessons.

Free personal canine training with Great Dane, Axle.
Want affordable dog lessons? Get 1 free ½ hr guided session per month, cheaper prices, & lower board 'n' train costs with membership. Also, free in-home obedience literature.

Plus, free monthly pack walks (great for reactive rovers), & members' only off-leash parks; for focused & continuous socialization.


780 also supports the animal welfare community with donated pet care services to our partners in need.

Investing with 780 helps the rescues!

780 welcomes both working bloodlines & house pets.


½ Hour CONSULT $25.00
1 Hour
3 Hours
5 Hours
10 Hours
20 Hours
40 Hours
$25 consults come with our 100% money-back guarantee so that you can meet with a professional; risk-free.

Specialized lessons are effective for pups 6 months & older whether seeking basic or advanced commands as group classes have too many distractions in the environment for effective learning.

Sessions are sold by-the-hour with the more time purchased; more affordable; and no expiry dates.

If advanced commands with distractions are desired, your certified guide will introduce 1 strategic k9 at a time; until multiple pets are present, while maintaining a safe environment, and controlled outcome.

Each guided lesson, we learn something new, for your family to implement at home before returning for the next session; meeting until your specific goals are reached.

As shared in an article by Homeo Animal, " will have to perform the tasks at home. Every trainer will give you some homework."

Avoid prepaying costly upfront charges for 'guaranteed results' over-the-phone, before they've met your mutt, and no refunds!

Instead, book a ½ hr $25 consult, and if not immediately satisfied, enjoy our 100% money-back guarantee.

100% Money Back Guarantee.
Husky & Pitty focusing on their leader.

100% Money Back Guarantee badge



• Monthly freebies • No freebies
• Cheaper for members • No membership
• Free at-home literature • Pay for literature
• Free pack walks • No pack walks
• 100% money back guarantee • No refunds
• $25 consults • Costly upfront charges
• No expiry • Expiration dates on purchases
• 50% off services for charities • No support for community
• Basic to advanced • Circus acts
• Challenging dispositions • Even temperament only

3. Reputable Experience.

780 delivers 15+ years of hands-on canine experience, not just adopt a cheerful attitude, if treats no longer work, book a ½ hr consult & learn how.

780 considers your pet's age, sex, breed(s), drives, history, personality, core characteristics, and most importantly; trust in your relationship; not just credit positive reinforcement makes you 'positive'.


From 2020 to 2022, the Canadian dog population has continued to grow as figures for 2022 increased to 7.9 million from 7.7 million.

The Pet Industry's media has elevated mutts to child-like status (humanization) to justify the cost of higher-priced products such as human grade ingredients in pet food (premiumization).

Public opinion & legal rulings continue to shift in favour of regulating or eliminating any activity harbouring potential for animal mistreatment.

Unfortunately for critters, potential is too vague a term for most tutors to grasp; as they selfishly humanize hounds for their emotional needs and business' profits when they promote that saying no = negative.

Now what do you get when you mix the humanization of pets with a generation of humans heavily influenced by new age child raising techniques from the 1950's that promote "never saying no to your children?".

Society has now effectively raised "fur-babies" without any rules or boundaries; claiming to always say "yes" (impossible); so unruly temperaments manifest into dangerous conduct.


But when self-proclaimed positive dog behaviorists in Alberta's Capital Region can't manage the challenging pet; they blame it for natural behavior and suggest euthanasia.

We are discussing the difference between life & death; not positive & negative. Unless your pet is a battery?

Calling oneself a positive dog behaviorist / psychologist instead of a traditional title doesn't change the fact a K-9 is a canine is a k9.

Sharing boundaries with your companion encourages mutual respect; anything else is cruel.


780 promotes 2 concepts for foundational obedience; yes & no. Later we can introduce patience by a third notion; not now; that's trust.

The goal of 780's custom tutoring is to cultivate your companion's eagerness and repeatedly comply to verbal commands or hand signals, without need for constant treats; that's respect.

How do you teach an adult stray that does not respond to treats, toys, or praise? What if they would rather continue in their behaviour rather than follow your snack bribe?


Only teaching "yes" or solely administering "no" are both detrimental to one's understanding of boundaries in any relationship.

Whatever motivates your particular pup is used to shape new basic behaviors; while boundaries are established & maintained to proof consistency of said behaviors; through intermediate & advanced scenarios.

780 encourages everyone to be honest with themselves who claim to never have or will not practice saying no to their 1-of-a-kind animal.

If you currently use any kind of leash, collar, or harness; while on a walk; then you are saying no to 100% freedom in mobility. This applies to crating as well.

Logically, you could even conclude that not releasing treats fast enough or in large quantities; according to an animal's stomach; is a form of stating no; Sooooo negative!

Instead of gimmicky marketing jargon; 780 teaches how to communicate by your critter's inherent language; simplifying how to lead your Lycan.


According to Ed Frawley (50+ years experience;, there are 3 types of all-positive behaviorists:

"Those who emulate Pet-Smart, which runs 100% all-positive courses and won't mention corrections in class'know better but choose to cash-in on the image of all-positive marketing."

"All-positive who love animals and push the concept but simply lack experience to know better."

"All-positive who compete and win in various k9 sports. These competitors do an excellent job of desensitizing the contesting animal to ignore distractions they will face in their respective sport."

Read the full article The Problem with All Positive Dog Training.


Michael D'Abruzzo (CEO of LLC est 1998) confirms the above title in his article:

"The Positive community, aka, the "friendly" community, has been guilty of criminal level fraud, negligence, and slander... causing harm to honest professionals; pet owners; the public; and the dogs themselves."

"There needs to be true regulation in this industry as to who can call themselves a professional. There needs to be government regulated educational programs that teach the real science...

"The correct application of all tools needs to be taught..."

"This leads to fraud for the consumer who pay money to a positive instructor and then discover that this is not the case. Verbal reprimands, gentle leaders, no pull harnesses, tugs on leashes are all forms of positive punishment.

False advertising leads to an unfair advantage toward competition among professionals that do not make false claims."

Read his very impressive resume & more False Statements of the Positive-Only community.

Avoid defining your dog's behavior as positive or negative; instead, book a ½ hr $25 consult & learn truthful K9 communication.

100% Money Back Guarantee.
Dangerous Rottweiler dog training.

Support dog, Roxy, holding car keys in her mouth.

Teaching fetch skills with rescue Pit Bull Dexter in our fenced dog park.

Search and rescue tracking with a Rottweiler.

Pit Bull rescue; Keera.

Obedience classes with a Pitbull & Chocolate Lab leading a group sit.

Commanding the stand with a Rottweiler on leash.

Schutznhund attack skills with a Rottweiler.

Alberta service dog registration for Roxy & Marla.

Registered emotional support dog Cane Corso.

100% Money Back Guarantee badge

780's ETHICS.


• Each animal is unique • Cookie-cutter approaches
• Homework required • Guaranteed results
• Don't reinvent the wheel • Gimmicky marketing
• Mutual respect • Humanization & premiumization
• Teach boundaries • Positive-only
• Logical language • Emotional language
• Life • Euthanasia
• Wisdom • Propaganda

4. Professional Certification.

780's experts hold the national masters accreditation so you can meet with a pro that is licensed & skilled for just $25 and in ½ hour get assistance.

The IACP is " of the only organizations that actively works to defend your right to humanely use all the tools and methods of your profession."

Canada West Canine Centre School was the first professional academy recognized by the Private Career Education Institutions Agency of BC for qualified trade certification.

This brick-and-mortar college required full-time commitment for in-class theory and real-time application, located in BC, for 6 weeks, with tuition of $4,400; consisting of 2 recognized certifications:


Equipped with knowledge and skills to successfully teach pups in basic and advanced commands and utility, or to operate a professional kennel.

Basic Commands.
Theory and practical application; proper use of equipment; evaluation; personalities; breed identification.

Customer Relations.
Instruction in and practical application of client's individual and group classes; customer relations; professional ethics.

Advanced Commands.
Hand signals; off leash control, retrieval.

Groundwork for police K-9 or support dogs; obstacle introductions.

Kennel Management.
Management of a kennel; environmental and governing agencies.

Temperament Test.
Puppy Aptitude Tests; temperamental and sustainability testing of mature mutts.

Dog Care.
Anatomy; nutrition; disease; common parasites; genetic and environmental problems; grooming.


The knowledge and skills to teach any critter to any level of professional service.

Behavioral Problems.
Understanding / overcoming behavioral problems; establishing ground rules for the animal & man relationship.

Personal Protection.
Pet suitability / selection; definition / expectation; hands-on learning.

Attack Dog.
Getting ultimate control; building drive; detecting / responding to critical points in conflicts.

Support Dog.
Pet suitability / selection; teaching to assist in all conditions / challenges.

Police K-9.
Drug detection / searches; suspect transport; crowd control; physical fitness.

Scenting and tracking; reading Fido's indicators; surface awareness; weather influence; article / man search; accelerants.

Pet suitability / selection; guarding skills; property searches.

Business Management.
Starting a business; setting fee schedule; competition; public relations.


780's indoor & outdoor facilities help families achieve their education goals all year round; summer through winter.

780's commitment to pets includes 50 acres with 4 off leash parks and 2 octagon kennel buildings housing 30+ critters; available for distraction exercises to improve socialization skills.

Avoid the unprofessional used dog salesman. Instead, book your time with a pro for only $25 with our 100% money-back guarantee.

100% Money Back Guarantee.
International Association of Canine Professionals certification #P8315

Canine training school certification #011-305; issued April 23, 2011.

780 Kennels membership to PIJAC

Canadian Association of Professional Dog Trainers accreditation for 780 Kennels.

Master dog training certification #011-305; issued April 23, 2011.

Edmonton Alberta dog trainers Certificate of Excellence for 780 Kennels.

780's K9 school amenities.



• Canada's #1 academy • Generic college
• Hands-on schooling • Online learning
• Theory & practical application • Theory only
• Proper use of equipment • Equipment bias
• Tools are temporary • Tools as forever crutches
• Security & support dogs • Whatever is popular
• Professional ethics • Profit driven
• 50 acres • Rental property / none
• Indoor & outdoor areas • Indoor / outdoor only
• 4 off leash parks • No fenced parks
• Access to all types of distractions • No distractions on-hand

5. Dog Behaviour Experts.

780's dog behaviour specialists explain all temperament issues; anxieties, fears, phobias, & obsessions; during your ½ hr $25 assessment.

As stated by Hills Pet, "Once you pay attention to his behaviour, you'll be able to help him."

All Breeds & Ages.
Small to large breeds, high to low energy, puppies to seniors, social & anti-social, deaf, feral, even temperament, non-neutered & non-spayed, restricted or deemed dangerous from local bylaw.

Patterns & Issues.
Separation anxiety, destructive, hyper-active, barking, digging, jumping, fence fighting, human & dog reactive, resource guarding, dangerous adult dogs, impulse control, focus, fearful, excitable.

Puppy social skills, housebreaking, mouthing, tantrums, & biting.

Basic Commands.
Crating, leash manners, sit, down, heel, come, drop, take, fetch, speak, tug, leave-it.

Advanced Skills.
Socialization, integration, service, therapy, emotional support, guide, good neighbour testing, protection, guard, k-9, police, search and rescue, tracking, agility, scent detection, leash reactivity.

High-drive Working Bloodlines.
Rottweiler, Shepherd, Malinois, Husky, Malamute, Border Collie, Blue Heeler, Pit bull, Argentine Dogo.

Showing in the Ring.
Improving the handler to dog relationship thru communication for Gaiting, Stacking, & Judges Exam results.

Avoid scammers that re-name traditional terms to confuse the issue. Instead, cut through the clutter; booking your ½ hr $25 consult & money-back guarantee.

100% Money Back Guarantee.
Personal protection k9 guard, Kelso, policing his security dog sign.

Dog behaviour rehabilitation with a giant mutt.

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• All canines • No Pit bulls, Rottweilers, etc.
• Non-spayed, non-neutered • Must be fixed
• New dog / stranger danger • Friendly only
• Puppy to senior • Adult only
• Pet integration • 1 pet at-a-time
• Service animals • Non-certified only
• Security types • No experience
• Showing • No titles

6. One-on-One References.

780's one-on-one dog trainers have 75+ five-star testimonials; specific to large breed, dangerous, & rescues, such as 15+ years of lessons donated to rescue dogs.

Before hiring a dog trainer, Cesar Milan advises, "Get Referrals."

Yellow Pages
Better Business Bureau
Read 3+ Yelp Reviews for 780 Kennels.

780's one-on-one references contain high-drive working bloodlines (produced by breeders) seeking safe outlets for their energetic needs; like Search & Rescue skills with Belgian Malinois, "Beau" from the Delta Community Animal Shelter.

Many coaches fail these clients by forcing cookie-cutter approaches but when they don't respond, innocent critters & their owners are blamed.

After bouncing from one Edmonton positive-only instructor to the next, and after pre-paying hundreds of dollars with no results (especially for temperament issues) owner's read our references & travel a little further than city limits for help at 780.

Our forte doesn't mean that we solely work with the challenging mongrels; we appreciate the friendly Fidos with even temperaments, too; such as group dog classes with Alberta 4H Beef Club.

Avoid wasting your time reading fake testimonials purchased through marketing companies. Instead, read feedback from 75+ legit clients.

Open Pit Bulls for Life Foundation of Alberta letter of reference for 780 Kennels.

Open Second Chance Animal Rescue Society letter of reference for 780 Kennels.

Open Pawsitive Match Rescue Foundation letter of reference for 780 Kennels.



• Registered charities • No references
• 75+ reviews • Low-to-no reviews
• Unique testimonials • Generalized claims
• Basic to advanced goals • Simple results
• Dangerous behaviours • Even temperaments only
• All breeds • Companion only

7. Board and Train.

780's dog boarding and training produces great results while the wrong send away programs in Alberta are dangerous cash-grabs.

Drop off camp is also a resource for preventing & redirecting unwanted or dangerous dog behaviours such as; jumping, resource guarding, human & dog reactivity.

780's send away camp is a powerful program to help Alberta families establish or reintroduce manners; with rates as low as $60/day for members.

Cost-effective board 'n' trains are achieved through periodic weekend bootcamps coupled with in-person sessions; first starting with a consult.

An article by Bark Post advises, "As with any facility you entrust with your dog's care, be sure to take a tour and consult several references before choosing a program..."

Avoid 1-stop-cure-alls from unprofessional facilities promoting mysterious approaches not explained & no aftercare.

Instead, book a ½ hr $25 consult for an accurate timeline, estimate, & game plan.

100% Money Back Guarantee.
Board & train Belgian Malinois playing tug with certified obedience instructor.

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780's BOARD & TRAIN.


• Start with a $25 consult • Costly upfront charges
• Owners involved in process • "Fix" everything without you
• 150+ reviews • Guarantee results
• Each pet is unique • Cookie-cutter timelines
• Free ½ hr aftercare consults • No aftercare
• Security & support doggies • Whatever makes money
• Owner & tutor plan together • Approach not explained
• Teach when pet ready • Claim to start on day 1
• Mix 1-on-1 with send away • Send away only
• Boarding only visits can help too • No boarding facility

8. Personal Results.

780's dog trainers provide personal results during assessments before you commit to investing; get started with a ½ hr $25 consult & book today.

The AKC also uses evaluations, "A temperament test measures a dog's reaction to various elements presented to them such as a stranger, usually of varying degrees ranging from neutral and friendly, to threatening..."

Puppies are Unique.
For the puppy that's particular to toys we won't suggest the owner blindly offers treats during our puppy classes.

High-drive Customization.
If during the consult your critter displays very high-drive but doesn't have the required confidence specific to security skills, we will not encourage further pursuits - just to sell you a service.

Instead, we may individualize tracking lessons to funnel their high energy.

Stranger Danger.
We also do not assume all k9's desire strangers to pet them; so, we don't act surprised if a guardian breed can't automatically be hugged face-to-face.

We won't invent a "scientific" term to confuse the owners instead of simply sharing it's in their genetics to be wary of new people.

Rehabilitation is Rare.
For k9's with no interest in socializing with others we're not going to encourage unrealistic expectations to "rehabilitate" them to be social butterflies attending off leash parks.

But we will help the owner develop a management program that at the very least encourages their companion to tolerate others from a distance, while focusing on their owners, so they can enjoy walks in their neighbourhood; worry-free.

$25 Consultations.
During your ½ hr tailored consult we will meet as you share examples of your k9's undesirable habits.

Unwanted Patterns.
Through a series of questions, we will reveal complex underlying issues in simplified terms so that you'll have an exclusive understanding of the break down in communication.

Behaviour Management.
Then suggest essentials for addressing the root problem which will redirect their behaviour to your liking or learn to manage it.

Step-by-step Specialization.
A correlating program, distinct to your unique scenario, will be explained to you with hands-on instruction.

Specific Tutoring.
We will help guide your pet through 1-on-1 tutoring, avoiding trial-and-error, addressing all challenges as they arise.

At Home Goals.
In-home obedience exercises will be suggested with step-by-step goals to achieve within a timeline, based upon your schedule, before returning for the next hands-on tutoring.

Distinguished Communication.
Immediate results will be apparent as communication with your critter improves; 780 will teach how to see your mutt's micro improvements as you continue learning.

All your questions will be answered to ensure confidence & ability to personally lead your dog to the next level.

100% Money Back Guarantee.
Private dog trainer with high drive Belgian Malinois and bite tug.

Shadow working on his unique down command.

Getting a good recall with Lego.

Indoor agility obstacle course with Loki learning the weaving poles.

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I'm not ready to book a consult but would like to read

Chamber of Commerce Awards for 780 Kennels & Staff.
780 Kennels voted People's Choice Chamber of Commerce Award 2016.

All breeds welcome for a panoramic tour of 780 Kennels.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Q: Does 780 train puppies?
A: Yes, check out our puppy classes page.

Q: Can 780 help intact male or female dogs?
A: Yes, the choice to neuter, spay, or alter to breed standards is the owners.

Beware quick fixes, such as neutering, suggested by veterinarians & trainers.

Q: Can 780 help reactive or aggressive dogs?
A: Yes, our staff & amenities specialize in the more challenging temperaments.

Q: Can 780 help Pit Bulls?
A: Yes, we have been partnered with PBFL for 8 years, all breeds are welcome.

Q: Can 780 help high-drive K9's?
A: Yes, our members include 1st responder canines such as Search & Rescue, EPS, & RCMP canines.

We also have personal protection K9's of our own.

Q: What behaviour patterns & issues can 780 help with?
A: Separation anxiety, destructive, hyper-active, barking, digging, jumping, fence fighting, human & dog reactive, resource guarding, dangerous adult dogs, impulse control, focus, fearful, excitable.

Q: What commands can 780 help with?
A: Basic, intermediate, & advanced.

Crating, leash manners, sit, down, heel, come, drop, take, fetch, speak, tug, leave-it; anything.

Q: What do you mean by advanced skills?
A: Socialization, integration, service, therapy, emotional support, guide, good neighbour testing, protection, guard, k-9, police, search and rescue, tracking, agility, scent detection, leash reactivity.

Q: Can 780 help with showing in the ring?
A: Yes, we help the handler to dog relationship thru communication for Gaiting, Stacking, & Judges Exam results.

Q: What kind of training methods does 780 use?
A: Every dog is unique.
Depends on age, sex, breed(s), drives, history, personality, core characteristics, & trust in your relationship.

Q: Does 780 have indoor & outdoor amenities?
A: Yes, we have 2 octagon buildings & 4 fenced dog parks for obedience summer thru winter.

Q: How does 780 control the environment?
A: We provide distractions, as needed, whether human or K9's.

Q: What awards has 780 won?
A: People's Choice 2016, Best Business 2019 & 2020.

Q: What accreditations & certifications does 780 hold?
A: Better Business Bureau, Edmonton Chamber of Commerce, IACP, PIJAC, CAPDT, Kennel Management, & Certified Master Trainer.

Q: What reference letters does 780 hold?
A: PBFL, SCARS, PMRF, 4H Alberta, & DCAS.

Q: How long are training consults?
A: 30 mins max.

Canines aren't used to being led consistently by their owner so they saturate soon.

Q: What will we work on during the consult?
A: Whatever's necessary to reach your goals.

Q: Does the whole family need to attend?
A: Not required, but helpful. Especially for the initial lesson.

We understand some folks work out-of-town and can't always make it.

Q: How much are consults?
A: $25

Q: Do I have to pre-pay before booking a consult?
A: No, pay after the service if you're happy.

Q: If I'm not happy with my consult, do I have to pay?
A: No, if not completely satisfied with your consult, enjoy our 100% money-back guarantee.

Worst case scenario, it was some travel time and gas.

Q: Does the guarantee apply to purchased lessons?
A: No, only the consult.

If you're unsure about booking, consider reading our reviews page.

Q: How much is 780's dog training?
A: Sessions are sold by-the-hour with the more time purchased; more affordable; and NO EXPIRY.

Our pricing chart is in section 2 on this webpage.

Also, members enjoy cheaper pricing.

Q: Why get membership?
A: 1 free personal lesson a month, cheaper prices, & lower boarding & training costs.

Plus, free monthly pack walks & members' only off-leash parks; for focused & continuous socialization.

Q: Do I have to purchase membership to use 780 services?
A: No, membership offers savings & freebies if wanted.

Q: Is the cost per dog?
A: No, membership covers all canines in your household for only $250/ yr.

Q: Can I purchase membership online?
A: No, we can do over-the-phone with a credit card or in-person.

Q: Once I sign up, is membership charged automatically ever year?
A: No, membership expires 365 days after purchase.

Q: How do I get free membership?
A: If you register for 3 months of puppy school or if you are a 1st responder with valid government ID.

Q: Can I save up the monthly freebies?
A: No, they expire every month if not used.

Q: What can I have for free?
A: Email us and ask for our free at-home training literature.

Q: Do the monthly freebies expire?
A: Yes, if not used in the month.

Q: Can I use the free 1 to 1 lesson for board & train?
A: No, the 1 to 1 lessons are in-person only.

Q: What's the pricing difference for members?
A: Non-members $40 board, $30 per ½ hr train.
Members $30 board, $25 per ½ hr train.

Basically, members save $15 /day if training once per day.

Q: How do I know if board & train or private lessons is best?
A: Good question, let's find out together starting with a consult.

Q: What do I need to bring?
A: Proof of vaccinations, critter on leash, training treats.

Print, sign, initial 780's LIABILITY WAIVER.

Q: What if my canine isn't motivated by treats?
A: Bring whatever motivates most, perhaps a toy.

Don't worry, we'll figure it out in-person.

Q: Do you want my pet on a collar or harness?
A: Whatever your most comfortable for control.

We don't have a preference, it's your choice.

Q: Do I bring my dog?
A: Yes, we'll get straight to work.

We won't waste your time.

Q: How much are consults?
A: $25

Q: What days do you book consults?
A: Sunday to Friday, 10am onwards just closed Saturdays.

Q: Can I book weekends, evenings, holidays?
A: Yes, we're available.

Q: How do I book my ½ hr training consult?
A: Call 780-887-8805 or email us.

Q: What if I'm not ready to book a consult yet?
A: Perhaps read 75+ reviews for 780's dog training.

Q: How can I get more information not listed here?
A: Good question, contact us.

Open 4 H Club Alberta letter of reference for 780 Kennels.
Open Pit Bulls for Life Foundation of Alberta letter of reference for 780 Kennels.
Open Second Chance Animal Rescue Society letter of reference for 780 Kennels.
Open Pawsitive Match Rescue Foundation letter of reference for 780 Kennels.
Open Delta Community Animal Shelter letter of reference for 780 Kennels.

Better Business Bureau Accreditation. Pet First Aid Certification. Canadian Association of Dog Trainers Membership. Best Facility Central Alberta Award for 780 Kennels. International Association of Canine Professionals Accreditation. Professional Certification for Obedience Trainer and Kennel Management from Canada West Canine Centre School of Dog Trainers. Master Dog Trainer Professional Certification from Canada West Canine Centre School of Dog Trainers. 780 Kennels wins the Canadian Pet Community Awards for Pet Service Provider in the Western Region. Canadian Federation of Independent Business Accreditation.